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  7. Harness Big Data and reduce your print costs with this simple solution
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Harness Big Data and reduce your print costs with this simple solution

Big data is a buzz term that business leaders will be hearing everywhere – but don't let the hype confuse you, learn how it can help reduce your print costs.

At its core ‘big data’ is just connected, accessible information that has been gathered from your IT systems.

One area where consolidated data is unlocking transformational cost-savings and efficiency gains is the management of business printing – which may surprise you to learn, is typically the third highest cost to firms, behind rent and payroll1

Harnessing big data to reduce your print costs is actually incredibly easy because gearing up is best done by stepping back. And doing so will also streamline your IT management, put insight at your fingertips and gear your business up for the future.

The simple route to cutting print costs with analysis

In today’s complex, fast-evolving world of office technology – many businesses are turning to ‘as-a-service’ models of procurement.

Rather than developing and harder still, sustaining, in-house capabilities that keep pace with rapid change, a simple outsourced solution is enabling organisations everywhere to reduce print costs. This lower-input option is Managed Print Services – or MPS.

Beyond providing your organisation with the latest, feature-rich devices, a print partner will proactively manage your print fleet. This enables them to align the functionality and performance of equipment with your company’s specific needs. And that’s where big data comes in…


The benefits of big data without the studying 

Big data builds a complete picture of the needs and habits of your organisation. In the context of print, the number of printed pages, quantity of ink and toner cartridges used and numerous technical considerations are taken into account.

Gathering and monitoring data opens up a world of understanding. Your provider can identify usage refinements and help pinpoint that vital distinction between desirable and essential tasks.

Things like peak demand can be predicted based on monthly and annual trends to ensure you can plan accordingly. With this granular-level insight, your MPS provider can create and utilise dashboards specialised for your business and drive down print costs. They can continually refine and optimise your print setup, giving you full visibility right down to the cost you pay per page. 

Capabilities for an integrated, disruptive future 

No sector will be left unchecked by digital disruption, the pace of which is quickening with every new technical development.

MPS is a fantastic platform for interoperability, but to ensure your business remains ahead of the curve, it is becoming increasingly important to work with one best-in-breed partner that can design and oversee a fully-integrated IT infrastructure. 

A partner that can oversee your hardware and software specification, integration, subscriptions and management – including MPS – will indeed save you money. More importantly though, they will look after your commercial interests with cutting-edge technology that puts vital insight at your fingertips, and helps you to gear your business up for the future. 

Find more information on our managed print services here.

1 https://www.lasersresource.com/blog/office-printing-statistics

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